Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wow! It is hot outside!

Wow is anyone else experiencing this massive heat-wave?  Lately it has been reaching as high as 100 degrees Fahrenheit and it is hard to escape the heat.  While finding your local swimming pool or a nearby beach to go for a swim is a great way to keep cool there are some great tips I have learned over the years. 

First off wear light layers of cotton clothing as it is more breathable and remember to wear sunscreen and a hat to protect you from the sun.  Don't forget to reapply the sunscreen if you have been outside or in the water for long periods of time, as the sun protection wears off over time. 

Secondly, you should drink lots of water so you don't get dehydrated.  A great tip I learned from going to camp for many years is to fill a plastic water-bottle with water and stick it in the freezer at night, you will get a bottle full of ice water in the morning.  The ice will melt as the day goes on and your water will stay cold longer.  Also while the ice is in there you can hold it to your forehead help cool you off as you are waiting for some of the water to melt to drink.  Sports drinks with electrolytes also help keep you from getting dehydrated, you can freeze those, too. 

My favorite part of summer is eating things like watermelon and other fruit.  If you decide to go on a picnic, make sure to keep the fruit chilled.  Makes for a refreshing treat.  Another fun summer treat is ice cream, just be careful for drips as it the hot weather it will melt fast, unless you like being covered in ice cream.  :-)  I personally like sorbets, especially strawberry or raspberry.

Another great tip I have learned is to not be outside in the middle of the day since that is the warmest part part of the day.  If you go outside in the early part of they day or later in the afternoon it will be cooler out.  While I do encourage people to go outdoors, please know that if it is too hot it's ok to stay indoors where it is cooler.  You can do lots of fun nature related activities inside after a quick trip outside, or even in a good shaded area.  Things found in the Nature Crafts page or Explorations page can be a great start for ideas.  If you have any ideas that I didn't list and want to share email me or add a comment to this post. I love learning new ideas for having fun outdoors, and I am sure the readers do too.

Stay cool everyone! Meet Me Outdoors.

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~ Meet Me Outdoors