Sunday, May 15, 2011

Special find

On Friday after work I walked along the harbor and spotted something really amazing. I saw two mallards, one male and one female, swimming near the edge of the water along with their baby ducklings.  The baby ducks weere so cute I had to take a picture to share it with you.  Now I know they aren't the greatest pics, but you  get the idea.

I'll be on the lookout for more great nature finds to share with you.  Maybe you can find some of your own. Have fun, Meet Me Outdoors.


  1. Make Way for Ducklings for real! Except that Mr. and Mrs. Mallard seem to have lost the 8th duckling...Quack! But if you twittered a bit (rumor has it that you don't), you'd have caught the tweet from the Maryland Science Center Twitter-er (hmm, or w/e the position is called) that announced ducklings having hatched on the green roof above your head! ;-)

    Keep on posting!! Keep on enjoying the outdoors!

  2. I actually was checking the MDScienceCenter Twitter page and saw that they hatched. These are the same ducklings from what my sources tell me.


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- Why do you like to go outdoors?
- What is your favorite outdoor activity?
- Where is your favorite outdoor place to explore?
- What adventure would you like to see me go next?

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~ Meet Me Outdoors