Thursday, August 5, 2010

Explore your town

Today I decided to take a different route to the train and in doing so I got a chance to explore a really cool area that I may not have normally gone.

Living in Boston, MA means that at almost every corner has some history to it.  I stumbled on a lovely park now named Powder House Square named for an old mill from 1704 turned gunpowder storage building during the 1747, and then later used in the Revolutionary War.  Now it is left as a landmark and public park.  The Powder House structure is on a hill you can see it from the picture on the left, and a closer view from the base of the structure below, I took both with my phone.

There is a stone wall on the far side of the hill from the building that looked like it would be awesome to explore. I would have stayed to check it out more but it started to rain and I wasn't prepared for it.

I stepped outside my normal path and discovered something new today.  Will you do the same? Come on and Meet Me Outdoors.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shira -
    I loved hearing about your adventure! I don't think we have anything as old in my neighborhood as you have in yours. It's pretty amazing that the Powder House is still standing after 300 years. Wow! My city (Cleveland) isn't even that old.

    Keep writing!! And next time, check the weather before you go out (yes, I read about that in your safety list). :-)


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- Why do you like to go outdoors?
- What is your favorite outdoor activity?
- Where is your favorite outdoor place to explore?
- What adventure would you like to see me go next?

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~ Meet Me Outdoors