Monday, August 16, 2010

Going on a hike

I was invited by a friend to go hiking in one of the local reservations called Fells Reservation.  A reservation is a large area of land that has been set aside in as a nature reserve where you can hike the trails and explore.  The one that we were going to has a few simple trails laid out and some more complex hiking areas, also if you get to the top of the hill see great views of the city of Boston. While I may not be an avid hiker I thought I could give it a try. 

Public parks like the Fells are great places to bring the family or explore with a friend.  Remember to think safety. These parks have trails laid out so follow the trails provided, take a map if there are any, and have a plan for where to go. But most importantly have fun!  If you and your family are a regular hikers and want to try something new, print and take a Nature Bingo board and see how many items you can find.  This is a great activity for children 5 and up.  Nature Bingo can be played with younger kids as a way to get them look closer at their surroundings. 

I will let you all know what I find when I get back from my adventures.  Let me know what you have found, too!  Come along and Meet Me Outdoors!

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- Why do you like to go outdoors?
- What is your favorite outdoor activity?
- Where is your favorite outdoor place to explore?
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~ Meet Me Outdoors