Monday, August 21, 2017

Did You See the Solar Eclipse 2017?

Today millions of people across the United States watched the solar eclipse. Some were lucky to be in the totality, most were in areas where you only can see a partial eclipse. I was in Baltimore, MD at the Maryland Science Center. While we did have to wait for clouds near the maximum eclipse, we still got a good views when we did. 

Solar Eclipse 2017 Through the Clouds in Baltimore, MD
I was able to capture the partially eclipsed sun through the clouds that were just the right thickness. What did you see during the eclipse? Did you try any of the safe viewing tricks

Save those eclipse shades for the next solar eclipse that will cross through the United States in 2024. The path of totality will go from Texas to Maine crossing through Cleveland, Ohio. Where will you be for the next eclipse? Looking forward to next time, Meet Me Outdoors.

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~ Meet Me Outdoors