Sunday, December 26, 2010

Making Raffia Bracelets and Rope

Hi Everyone! I created a short video that shows how you can make a raffia rope bracelets using a process called reverse twist braiding.  This is how rope was made, just with longer strands and more of them.

The first step is to take some raffia or ribbon and fold it in half so you have equal lengths and hold it from the center.  The right hand side will be the side you twist, after twisting you cross it over the left side like braiding, and repeat.  The movie shows it close up from a couple angles so that you can see how the reverse twist is made. 

You can make this with ribbon, long pieces of grass, or raffia.  Raffia can be found at craft stores in a variety of colors from natural tones to bright colors. Be creative, have fun!  Meet Me Outdoors.


  1. May I suggest that you hold the ribbons horizontally instead of vertically. That way you can use your leg to roll the top ribbon away from you, then bring it over the bottom ribbon. Repeat. This goes much faster and more rhythmically.

    Thanks for the video!!!

  2. Thanks for the comment. I held the ribbon the way I did so that viewers can see the motion of the reverse twist. I haven't tried to roll the ribbon the way you suggest but understand why it may work better.

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~ Meet Me Outdoors