Friday, December 10, 2010

It snowed!

It snowed in Baltimore! I couldn't believe it, and I have no proof.  All of the snow melted by the time I could get outside with my camera. It's like it never happened.

Me wearing my scarf
I can say that it is now time to break out the warmer coats and all the fun scarves, hats and mittens that help us stay warm in the winter.  If you are adventurous and patient enough you can always knit or crochet a hat/scarf of your very own, easy project for beginners.  I made a scarf last weekend and was glad to have it today.  I made it with multi-colored yarn as you can see in the picture on the right.  The color didn't come out as great in this picture but you get the idea. 

Bundle up and come Meet Me Outdoors!

1 comment:

  1. I made a scarf too for Des! And now I'm working on one for my mom. I'm hoping to give a few more people one for Christmas, so I'm knitting like crazy when I can.
    Happy Chanuka (belated)!!
    I miss you!


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~ Meet Me Outdoors