Wednesday, September 15, 2010

B'town to B'more

Going from B'town to B'more, both cities near or on a harbor that lead out (eventually) to the same ocean, but each have totally different views.  Coming from Cleveland where the metro-park system was known as the Emerald Necklace, Boston also had a park system by the same name.  Odd isn't it? While I have only had a chance to explore parts of Boston's Emerald Necklace most of it that followed the Charles River, and the Cleveland version slightly more so, I am looking forward to a new place to explore.  Seeing one harbor is not the same as seeing all and I am ready to see what is out there and will share my findings with you.

I know that readers of this blog-post live in various parts of the U.S. probably have your own places your regularly explore.  Some of you may have also traveled outside of your home location to other parts of the country or even the world that I have yet to see, and perhaps will be given the opportunity someday.

I hope all of you reading this have had the chance to take up some of my neighborhood challenges - Ten Step Challenge and the Once Around the Block adventure. There are stories that go with every adventure and every adventure has a story.  I have heard from some of you and hope to hear from more as well. You can respond by adding a comment below or by sending me an email.  So, please join in the fun and come Meet Me Outdoors.

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- Why do you like to go outdoors?
- What is your favorite outdoor activity?
- Where is your favorite outdoor place to explore?
- What adventure would you like to see me go next?

If you have questions about my adventures or wonder what other people are doing, leave a comment and see where the conversation flows.

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~ Meet Me Outdoors