Monday, March 30, 2020

A Rainbow Walk

I went for a walk around Federal Hill today to get a little sunshine. Along the way I decided to take pictures of flowers and plants of different colors of the rainbow. Not quite sure what all of the different plants are but that is why I have downloaded the PlantSnap app, you can load a picture from your phone and it will give you options for which plant you may have. It has been useful in helping me identify some of the unique flowers I find on my walks. What colorful things would you find on your own rainbow walk? Explore the colors of the rainbow on your next adventure, Meet Me Outdoors.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Stuck at Home, But Having Fun

Feeling stuck at home? Well we all do these days. I have been working from home these last couple weeks and while it is a lovely day out and perhaps will go on a walk, I just finished a little project. I decided to use all of the random seeds I have been saving from various fruits and make a little fun animation. You can also make your own stop motion animations using found objects in nature and a camera. What kinds of fun nature art animations will you come up with?
I hope this helps you smile today, Meet Me Outdoors.