Monday, June 23, 2014

Baltimore Harbor

Lately I have been taking walks during my lunch break in the Federal Hill and Baltimore Inner Harbor area near my work. One of my routes takes me along the water and I like to look to see what animals are around. Usually I see a lot of ducks but sometimes is see something new.

Today, I looked over the edge of the harbor walkway and saw a turtle.  It was sunning itself on one of the stones. You can see it in the picture centered at the bottom. 

Besides the turtle, I did see a bunch of ducks bobbing up and down in the water looking for food.

If you take the same routes every day, try looking around. There may be something new that you walked by and missed. Meet Me Outdoors.


  1. Just wondering how big that turtle was....

    And on one of my walks in the neighborhood, I saw 2 vultures - huge birds perched on a tree in the afternoon shade. Wing spans were like a yard-wide! I went looking again on another day and didn't find them. I hope they didn't go after your turtle!

  2. The turtle was small, maybe 6-7 inches, likely full grown adult. It seemed content just sitting around on the rocks.


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- Why do you like to go outdoors?
- What is your favorite outdoor activity?
- Where is your favorite outdoor place to explore?
- What adventure would you like to see me go next?

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~ Meet Me Outdoors