Recently I visited the
Robinson Nature Center in Columbia, MD. There is a great exhibits with lots hands-on and interactive features, which is great for all ages. A section that talks about the local wildlife through the Chesapeake area as well as how the land was used where the Nature Center is located.

While many who know me would think my favorite part was the NatureSphere, a digital planetarium and dome-style theater (and don't get me wrong it is up there as a favorite) I really enjoyed the nature trails out around the Nature Center. The building has a roof garden that rolls off with lots of flowering plants to the tree cover where the trails are found. Among the garden and flowers I found butterflies. The two you see in the pictures are of the swallowtail family. They get that name because their hind wings have a little drop shaped part similar to the tails of the swallow bird. The swallowtail butterfly is the largest butterfly in the United States. Most swallowtail butterflies are found in more tropical climates. The two common ones you see in the US is Tiger Swallowtail, with the yellow and black stripes, and the Spicebush Swallowtail, with the colorful dots along the bottom of its hind wings. Other butterflies which seem to not want their picture taken are the little white ones.

Butterflies are pollinators going from flower to flower spreading the pollen around as they enjoy the nectar for food. The second picture has another pollinator buzzing around the flowers, can you see it? It's a bee! The nature center actually has a bee hive that you can see into as the workers come and go. No worries, the hive is fully inclosed but outside in the gardens you can watch as they collect the nectar to bring back to be made into honey.
The trails weave through the forested areas, over and around creeks and along streams. Trails are all less than a mile to explore and are nicely labeled with little trail markers (blazes) of either a hiker or an arrow.
Whether you are inside exploring the Nature Center's exhibit area, seeing a show in the NatureSphere or simply exploring nature itself this is a great place to do it. Find a nature center in your area and have an adventure, Meet Me Outdoors.