Seattle is a great walkable city, once you get past the idea of having to climb a few hills to get to places. You know when people give the "When I was your age..." speech that usually ends with "going to school involved walking up hill both ways." Well I now understand how that could be possible. Going to dinner we went up one really big hill down a small one then up another big hill. So it resulted in being uphill both ways. Food was well worth it, despite the climb.
Moonset in Seattle |
we went down to the waterfront to watch the sunset. Being on the West
Coast, a sunset happens over the ocean, this is a nice change since one
doesn't have to wake up really early to watch a sunrise over on the East
Coast. Since the moon was still relatively new, we also got to see a
moonset not long after the sunset. I tried to take a picture of it since
it was a nice clear night, but it may be hard to tell. In the picture with the Ferris wheel and ferry, the moon is faintly visible between the two in the sky. The other evening picture has the moon more visible as it sets, with a bird flying nearby. The phase of the moon shown is called a crescent.
Moonset with bird |
We were able to catch the International Space Station as it moved across the night sky. Pretty cool to watch, knowing that there are people up there in space and their spacecraft can be seen as a dot moving across the sky. And, with my knowledge of the night sky we were able to locate a couple planets and various star pictures, like the big and little dipper.

This morning we decided to go check out the Farmers Market at Pike Place. Witnessed fish flying over peoples heads, tried some amazing fresh peaches, and walked around seeing all the various stands at the market, tasting random foods along the way. Since the peaches were just so good we had to go back and buy a few for the road, they made for a great snack on the train ride.
Gum Wall |
A hidden feature, but well marketed as a site to see at the market (besides the fish tossing) is the Gum Wall. As you may have guessed by its name, the Gum Wall is a wall completely covered with gum. I only took pictures of part of it, because it is rather massive corner filled with gum. I am sure no other wall has ever been as minty fresh as this one. Yet I know that many of you reading this might share the same sentiment I have which is of how gross a wall of used chewing gum really is.
After the market we went on the ferry to
Bainbridge Island. There we walked along the Waterfront Trail and through the shopping area in the center of town. You can spend a whole afternoon exploring what the island has to offer, unfortunately we had to make it back in time to catch our train to Spokane, WA which is our next quick stop that begins the driving portion of the road trip.
Me on the ferry returning from the island to Seattle |
Until next time, Meet Me Outdoors.