Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Topsy-Turvy Seasons

This winter has been very mild in the Baltimore area. I have only seen it snow twice and it never stuck.  Not that I am complaining, but it would be nice to have a proper winter.  I miss making a snow person or a fort out of snow for protection during a snowball fight.

Currently it is supposed to be late winter. However, one look outside it would reveal a different story.  There are daffodils popping up, cherry trees blooming, and temperature up in the mid-70s.  It's like spring decided to come early.  Either that or winter is playing hide and seek.  I know that other places in the country either got more than normal amounts of snow, or much less.  What about where you are? Did you have any topsy-turvy seasons in your area?

No matter if you have 2 feet of snow that is still hanging around or it feels like it is practically summer out you should still go outside and have a good time.  I walked along the roof of my office to get a few extra moments in the beautiful weather. Hope to do more walking around outdoors, maybe even up to Federal Hill Park during a lunch break.  A picnic at the park would be great way to spend it.  Meet Me Outdoors.

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~ Meet Me Outdoors