Today I met with some friends at
Rock Creek Park for a picnic and some hiking. It was a cloudy day today and minor drizzles but that didn't keep us from having an adventure. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera (and my phone that has a camera ran out of battery) so I don't have any photos to share.
Rock Creek Park as lots of picnic areas and some open space too great for families or a gathering of friends. At one part along the road, toward where my friends and I were going to eat, I saw a sign with a trivia question and farther down there was a table set up with a couple park rangers with the answer. As some bicyclers rode by the table they shouted out what they thought the answer was, and the rangers would give a yes or no. It certainly was entertaining.
There are a lot of trails and different kinds of paths to take, some paved and some not. We took a couple different trails that were shared by bikers and runners, it was also a equestrian (horse) trail at times (we had to look out for horse droppings along the way). The hike was peaceful, we chatted a bit along the way but we also just wanted to "be one with nature" as they say.
As we were walking, in my head, I kept track of items I saw that are on the
Nature Bingo cards. I saw horse tracks, fungus, some flowers, insects, a deer, even poison ivy (which I know to avoid) and much more. There was lots to see on the walk, and I had a fun time exploring in the park.
I learned there also is a
Nature Center at Rock Creek Park that is worth checking out sometime. We skipped over the Nature Center today, but next time I am in the area I will be sure to see what is there. I hear they have ranger led programs for all ages and other information and educational resources there. From scavenger hunts to "meet the animals" type presentations, and short guided hikes there are lots of ways to connect with nature. If you are in the Washington, D.C. I'd recommend this as a place to explore.
Whether you want a small encounter with nature or and all out hike in the woods, find a park nearby where you live and go explore. Come along for an adventure, Meet Me Outdoors.