Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring is coming!

Winter is coming to an end and spring is on its way.  I know its been a while since my last post but that doesn't mean I stayed inside all winter. Nope I got out and got a chance to see some amazing things. 

First of all, on my one snow day that I got off from work, over a month ago, I took a hike around the neighborhood.  I saw that I wasn't alone.  Probably because most people's cars were buried under the snow, many people walking.  Kids dragging sleds, some ski tracks, all heading to the hills.  The hill happened to be located around the corner from where I live but hidden behind some buildings that hid it such that I never seen it before on previous hikes.  Following the footprints and trails left by the boots large and small, as well has the sound of screams of joy, I found where everyone seemed to be gathering.  Luckily, I had my camera so I was able to take some pictures and video but I have yet to compile the footage into a short film, so stay tuned I will post my snow day video. 

Along my hike back I saw some birds fluttering around in the trees.  These birds are ones that stay around for the winter.  Without my bird book I could not identify what species they were but I think I saw a red-winged black bird and maybe a robin.  I would have to check my pictures to see for sure. I watched the birds as they were trying to pick off some berries stuck on the tree branches. It was pretty cool.

Anyway spring is coming and I have already seen the signs. You should look for them too.  I have started to see the daffodils bloom, tulips should also be up if you have those.  Another sign is buds on trees start popping open. There is a shrub near where I park my car that has leaves already starting open.  All things to look for in the next few weeks as spring comes in to full bloom.

Take a look around and enjoy the new season, Meet Me Outdoors.

1 comment:

  1. It's comforting to know that you are seeing signs of spring there in Baltimore. Here in Cleveland I've seen no signs of flowers popping up or trees budding. We still have snow on the ground, too. On the other hand, the skunks seem to be moving about again - they mate in February so their "perfume" wafts over the landscape, especially in the early morning hours. I saw some robins a few weeks ago in the midst of a bad snowstorm; I have a feeling these never flew south.

    Thanks for your hopeful update!


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~ Meet Me Outdoors