Friday, October 29, 2010

Patterson Park Pagoda

I know it has been a few weeks since I last posted, but I have been going outside and exploring the great outdoor adventures that Baltimore has to offer.  One of them is seen on the right. The Patterson Park Pagoda. Great alliteration, right?

Anyway, I saw Patterson Park on the map and as I am still new to this part of Baltimore I asked my aunt if she'd take me to see the park.  We were only able to walk around part of the park since it was so big.  The Pagoda had actually been something that she wanted to see at the park and go to the top of but has never had the chance to because it was usually closed when she was there.  Since it was a Sunday, and not yet the end of October, it was open to visitors we took turns going up (we had brought her dog with us for a walk around the park but dogs are not allowed to go in the Pagoda).  I went up first, and for those who don't know me I am actually a tiny bit afraid of heights, so I only made it to the first level up and didn't want to stay there long.  It was a great view but I was not ready to climb to the top for the full city view so I came down and let my aunt take her turn. She went all the way to the top, and had me take a picture of her there with her camera phone.  Unfortunately, my aunt didn't stay in one place when I switched to my camera phone so she isn't in the picture you see with this post.

Patterson Park has stuff to do for the whole family. Has lots of green space to explore and play, places like the Pagoda overlook the park, athletic fields, community gardening space, nice paths to walk/run/stroll, and in the summer there is a pool while in the winter the ice rink opens.  I know that I will have to go back many times to see all that there is to see. So come along, Meet Me Outdoors.

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If you are not sure where to start here are some ideas to get you started:
- Why do you like to go outdoors?
- What is your favorite outdoor activity?
- Where is your favorite outdoor place to explore?
- What adventure would you like to see me go next?

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~ Meet Me Outdoors