Saturday, October 15, 2016

Blue Angels

I was on my walk through Federal Hill in Baltimore MD and saw the Blue Angels fly over. They are practicing for this weekend. Look for 4 bird like spots in the picture to see the planes. Enjoying the weather, Meet Me Outdoors.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Great River Road - Freedom Park in Prescott, Wisconsin

My road trip started in Minneapolis, MN, the first town after crossing the border into Wisconsin is Prescott.  As the friendly sign says it is the gateway to the Great River Road, or series of state and local roads that follow the Mississippi River.  The welcome center in Prescott was full of maps and brochures of places along the Great River Road and of the road's path itself.  I also picked up a few post cards there

This was the real beginning of the road trip.  All along the Great River Road you find the green shield sign like in the second picture. The state name appears at the bottom of the shield, this one is in Wisconsin. 

With a long way to go and only one day to get to the next big city on the trip we didn't spend too much time in Prescott.  Following the signs for the Great River Road we came across the Great River Road Visitor & Learning Center at Freedom Park in Prescott, Wisconsin. Inside the visitor center there were some great hands on exhibits about the wildlife, art exhibits, and a balcony with views of the river and binoculars for bird watching. It is a National Park Service Partner site so kids can take part in the Junior Ranger program. There is even a playground and some picnic tables around as well.

We spent enough time to explore the nature center and take in views.  It was interesting to learn about the history of the area.  Seeing the blue water of the St. Croix River blend into the muddy Mississippi River. 

There were different gardens that feature what habitats can be found in the region. I liked the butterfly garden in particular.  Even found a few butterflies flitting about.  Of course I couldn't get any to stay still for a picture, so all I have are the butterflies on the accent mosaic tiles on the pathway around the garden. 

It was nice to get a chance to stretch our legs from driving before picking up the trail again.  It was going to be a few hours drive to our lunch break town. 

Before getting back in the car I walked around the park area and heard a woodpecker.  I tried to get a good picture.  When I spotted it, it was up a dead tree pecking away looking for food. The tree didn't have any leaves which made it easy to spot the bird.  I didn't have any binoculars with me so the bird was a little moving blob along the trunk of the tree near the top. When I went back through the pictures forgot why I took the picture of the tree until I looked carefully and saw the blob that is a woodpecker.  Points to anyone who can find the woodpecker in the picture on the left.  The adventure continues,  Meet Me Outdoors

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Lake of the Isles Park - Minneapolis, MN

Beginning of this year's summer road trip traveling along the Mississippi River starts in Minneapolis, MN. Minnesota is known as the land of 10,000 lakes so I walked around Lake of the Isles Park which is part of Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park

It was a really nice walk even as it reached midday summer heat. I made sure to bring hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and took water, which is important.

Between the walking path and the lake was perimeter of wild flowers where I saw some butterflies fluttering from flower to flower and other pollinators like bees. I saw some monarch butterflies and an Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly. Only the one that I was able to take a picture of was a monarch. Look for the triangular shaped thing in the center of the picture.

As I walked around the lake there were some rent a canoe spots and we watched as one group prepared themselves to start their canoeing experience.  There are two paths around the lake, one for those on foot and the other for those who are on bikes. The lake I walked had a very funny shape to it unlike another in the chain of lakes that is more circular.  The shape of Lake of the Isles when I mapped my waking was more like a duck head shape.  

The road trip continues following the river Southwards. I am looking forward the adventure. Go see what you can find at your local parkes, Meet Me Outdoors.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

4th of July Parade - Takoma Park

Yesterday was 4th of July which is Independence Day for the USA. I decided to go to a town just outside of Washington DC called Takoma Park to see their parade. The weather held out just enough to see the whole parade before it started raining.  
The pictures are some of the interesting sights of the parade.  There were music groups, vintage cars, a dance team, and lots of dogs.  The dog float was to bring awareness to dog park that was supposed to have been built a year ago has yet been built. 

My day ended with seeing a fireworks display. How did you spend the day? Meet Me Outdoors.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Blue Crabs - Inner Harbor, Baltimore

I was on my lunch walk and found something that I have not seen in the harbor on my walks. I saw blue crabs!

Coworkers of mine catch them to show them to the Science Center visitors. This was my first spotting of them on my own.  If you look in the pictures and see shadowy blobs in the water along the edge, those are the crabs.  The ducks are my usual find on the harbor walk. You never know what new things you may see.  Keep exploring, Meet Me Outdoors.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Dino-Mite Summer, Harrisburg PA

On a mini weekend road trip adventure to Northern PA. We stopped in Harrisburg, PA for lunch and driving through we saw painted dinosaur statues. They are part of an outdoor public art exhibition called Dino-Mite Summer. I took some pictures of them as we walked along the road of the ones that stood out to me. Hoping for more sights along the trip, Meet Me Outdoors.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Finding pictures in clouds

I am out at a lakeside in western Maryland and enjoying the view. I am making pictures in the clouds as they pass by. Go and enjoy the day, Meet Me Outdoors

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Light City

I went to the Light City festival yesterday. After work I walked all along the harbor watching them set up for the evenings festivities.

I enjoyed seeing the harbor come to life with the families all around.  Some of Baltimore's landmarks tricked out for the festival as well as livening up for the beginning of spring time.

Along my walk a saw many dragon boats were out on the water.  Something I have not done since I was a kid visiting Baltimore many years ago.   I found the Inner Harbor Water Wheel, working to clean the harbor of trash that sadly ends up there as litter. 

As the sun set the lights started to turn on and it was a more colorful glow than usual in the city. Seven Foot Knoll Lighthouse had an amazing light up design on it for Light City. The picture I have is before sunset, but after sunset it was amazing but I was too far for a picture.

One of the attractions for the festival was this colorful peacock.  The lights were definitely mesmerizing.  There is something really cool about all the lights at night. Even the cotton candy sticks were colorful blinky light wands.  Lots of light up swards, too. 

I was also amazed by the sunset yesterday I saw it between the buildings as I was finishing my walk before dinner. After dinner I went back to the light festival which was super crowded with families and adults taking in the amazing feature, concerts and general festivities.  But the fiery glow of the sunset really made me smile.  Hoping to explore more festivals throughout the summer season. Be sure to check out the local ones near you, Meet Me Outdoors

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Spring is here!

I went on a walk during my lunch break and saw all if the cherry blossom trees were in bloom.  These were in the Federal Hill neighborhood of Baltimore.  The National Cherry Blossom Festival is going on in Washington DC is going on now through April 17. Since I can't make it down to DC to see the festival this year, finding the cherry blossom trees here is a treat.

This week at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore we have a new festival called Light City.  I might try sticking around after work to see it.  Enjoy spring time, Meet Me Outdoors.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Joys of a Snow Storm 2016

Beginning of storm
Midway through

The first big snow storm of 2016 was a really big blizzard for the mid-atlantic region. After watching cars get buried under snow over the last 3 days, it was time to dig out the car.
Thankfully, I got a lot of help from the neighbors in digging, threw some snowballs for fun, and once the bulldozer came through it was time for a break. I am looking forward to my hot tea. Stay warm everyone, Meet Me Outdoors.
I found my car!
Cleared but still needing to dig around it.