I was checking on the garden at the Sunday school after being away for the summer. My friend was nice enough to take a picture of me while I was standing in the garden. I was standing on tiptoe so she could see me better. I am not well camouflaged in my bright pink shirt.

One idea was to let the children just pick the flowers around the edges of the garden and we can work our way into it. Knowing the nature of children they will not say at the edges and likely would get lost in the field.
I could take a weed hacker and cut it down to size, most likely would let landscapers do that. A greener option is to rent goats and let them eat the weeds leaving me with a lovely garden and some natural fertilizer. Not sure I have the budget for that. Strap some tennis rackets to my feet and trudge out a path like I am snowshoeing... not so easy.
If I figure out a way to hack out a maze path in the garden like the corn mazes that are popular in the autumn, that would be awesome. If anything I might see if there is a good corn maze in my area and trek out to one with some friends. Find a corn maze near you and join the adventure, Meet Me Outdoors