Rumors have been going around the Maryland Science Center about ducklings hatching nearby. When I left work today I saw a crowd of staffers looking towards a small cornered section of the outside wall. As you can see in the picture the mother duck, a mallard, is sitting on her nest. I heard that four (4) duckings have hatched so far and must be taking shelter behind the mother. Because it has been hot out, one staffer put a tub of water so they can cool off while waiting for the last of the hatchlings to emerge. The one white shell you see off by the bucket of water is likely from one of the already hatched ducklings. If you look under the mother duck you can see one more egg waiting to hatch.
I will try tomorrow to see if I can catch the ducklings out from the nest. The mother duck and ducklings have coloring that helps them blend in with the ground and nest area making them well camouflaged. Likely once all have hatched they will all go to the harbor water for their first swimming lessons.
Remember to take care when near wild animals. This area is sectioned off so the mother duck isn't disturbed by people. Look around and see what new things you find, Meet Me Outdoors.