I went out look for the ducklings today but found an empty nest. I didn't see the mallard ducklings and mommy mallard out on the water but I did see a gaggle of geese.
I will keep up the search for the ducklings. Until then, I am including the
Maryland Science Center's Instagram picture of the mother duck and her
baby ducks. You can see that they are well camouflaged in the nest in the corner. You can see little duckling heads to the left of the mommy mallard's beak.
For those who know me well might also find another picture of me at the MSC's Instagram page demonstrating the need for Sun protection especially in the summer time. Using UV meters I was testing how much suncreen helps block the UV radiation from the Sun compared to the control. Hint: Look for the person wearing a big floppy hat and sunglasses.
Keep exploring, Meet Me Outdoors.