Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ready for Spring - Tomato Plants - update

Back in February I planted some tomato seeds with the kindergarten class at Sunday school. We transplanted them a few weeks ago and you can see how well they are growing. 
Kindergarteners' tomato plants

The ones in the kindergarten are doing really well. They have a tray under them and are watered 2-3 times a week.  They are due for another transplant soon. Next week the kids will get to take them home and can plant them in their gardens or into a bigger container for those who don't have garden space. 

Tomato plants need to be acclimated to the outdoors before they are planted, this is known as hardening.  The idea is to start them in the shade and each day you can bring them more into the sun, and for longer periods of time.  In the readings and advice I have gotten from various websites about growing tomatoes and from the garden center tomatoes when transplanted to the outside or to larger pots can be buried deeper than the previous container. That means you can bury more of the stem, up to almost the top leaves of the plant. Tomatoes will grow roots along the stem and this makes it a stronger plant. 
Preschoolers' tomato plants

The preschool class only meets every other week so I bring the plants home. There were a few stunted plants that needed to heal and set roots. These will likely need more time before transplanting.  Maybe after spring break we will plant them. Sing to your plants and watch them grow, Meet Me Outdoors.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Little Purple Flowers - Mystery Solved

Almost a year ago has gone by since my neighbor's kid pointed out to me that the little purple flowers had disappeared from around the yard. The flowers came back again this year and I remembered to take a few pictures.  I used the pictures to help identify the flowers using a dichotomous key.  I narrowed it down to crocuses. The name was familiar from hearing it around the office as first sign of spring.  So now the mystery is solved.
Late winter, crocuses are of the first to bloom. While they do come in different colors, it seems that someone scattered only purple ones in our area and they come back each year. Best part is that even when there is snow they may bloom, are still there when the snow melts again.  Go out and enjoy the first signs of spring, Meet Me Outdoors.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Animals at Night

Tonight as I was walking from my car to my house I saw five deer. I saw the first one crossing the street, one trotting down the sidewalk away from me and three others a few houses down the road. It got me thinking about other animals I have seen at night when walking from my car to my house over the past month or so.

My first odd animal encounter was maybe a month ago when a fox ran right by me going around my car then up the road.  I watched as it crossed the road to the median then into the brush.  I then heard a squeak from the bush and out ran two foxes and they chased each other down the street.  I have seen one of the foxes since then crossing the street on a later night.

My next animal was with a bunny.  I saw it hop up my driveway and into my backyard a few weeks ago. Another day I saw one hop across the path I was walking to my door. It stopped behind a plant and posed for a picture... Ok, so maybe not posed per se but it did freeze in its position as I took the picture.  One adaptation of rabbits is they stand motionless and hope the predator doesn't see them. They also have coloring that helps them blend in with their surroundings.  (Bonus points go to whoever can find the bunny in the picture.)

In looking for activities to do with my nature class that I teach on the weekends I found something called "fox walking". Fox walking is a barefoot walking technique that helps you focus not on the ground but on your surroundings.  I read that for every deer you see, you likely passed ten others.  I was sure this time to look not just at the first deer I saw tonight, but to see if there were others. Sure enough when I surveyed the area I saw the other four deer.  Look around you next time you are outside and don't let animal encounters go unnoticed, Meet Me Outdoors.