Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last in a Lifetime Event June 5/6, 2012

On June 5/6, 2012 there is a last in a lifetime event happening.  Depending one where you are in the world you may be able to catch a glimpse of this occurrence.  Last time this happened was June 2004 and the next time will not be until December 2117.  That's over a hundred years from now!

So what is this amazing event??

It is the Transit of Venus.  A transit, in astronomy terms, is when one object passes in front of the face of another object. In this case, it is when the planet Venus passes between Earth and the Sun such that we see it move across the face of the Sun.


Venus will appear as a tiny dot moving across the face of the Sun.  This alignment where Earth, Venus and the Sun are along the same plane does not happen often, and usually occurs in pairs 8 years apart.  So if you missed the June 8th, 2004 transit of Venus, this one of 2012 will be your last chance to try to catch it as the next time this happens is December 11, 2117.   

For more information on safe viewing of this event and when to see it in your location see the website  Check to online see if your local observatory, planetarium or stargazing/astronomy clubs will be hosting an event during the transit.  The closer you are to middle of the Pacific the better chance you will have of viewing of the full transit, which takes about six hours from start until finish.  Otherwise you might just catch it either at sunrise or sunset.  East Coast of the United States will see the transit as the sun is setting beginning around 6:04pm and until 8:30pm when the Sun has set. 

The Maryland Science Center, located at Baltimore's Inner Harbor, will be hosting a viewing event from 6pm-8pm.  There will be various ways available to safely view the transit as well as other fun hands-on activities.  The activities will start before the transit begins, and will continue until the Sun and Venus go behind the buildings. 

I know I will be there to see this rare event and I hope you will join me, Meet Me Outdoors.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Quarry Lake and Sorbet

After a series of really hot days outside I decided that some sorbet/ice cream would be a good way to cool off and in the process I went to a place that had outdoor seating with a view.  I ended up at Quarry Lake shopping area which has a nice little ice cream shop.  Across from the shopping area is Quarry Lake, which was once a  stone mine starting around the mid-1800s until a little over a decade ago. 
The mine is now filled with water and is known as Quarry Lake. It is surrounded by a development community and has a shopping center.  I go there for a view of the lake and for the sorbet.  There is a walking path around the lake and some benches to sit and admire the scenery.  In the picture above there are some ducks.  About a minute after I took that picture a flock of geese were squawking and flying in for a landing in the lake.  It was funny as they seemed to take over from the ducks that were already there.  I spotted the Moon up in the sky when I was walking around. On my way back I saw my first firefly of the season, I remember catching them as a kid... ok, ok even last year I caught a couple.  You just have to be very gentle with them when you catch them so they don't squish.

There were lots of families that had the same idea I had of going for a frozen treat and enjoying the beautiful evening.  As it gets closer to summer the days are getting longer and hotter so it is refreshing to have a nice evening such as tonight. 

With Memorial Day tomorrow I know there are going to be lots of people outside  picnicking and/or having a barbecue.  Just remember if you are spending lots of time outside to stay cool and remember to use sunblock to avoid a burn.  Enjoy the start of summer fun, Meet Me Outdoors.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ciclovia 2012

Today is the day for Ciclovia 2012 here in Baltimore.  This year 3 miles of streets are being blocked off from cars from Roland Park to Druid Hill Park.  You can stroll, ride a bike or even enjoy the festivities and activities at the Roland Water Tower. 
Here is the flyer and route map:
More info go to:  I hope to get a chance to walk the streets with other Ciclovia participants.

Not in Baltimore? You can still enjoy the spring season by taking a nice stroll or bike ride through your neighborhood.  If riding your bike, remember to wear a safety helmet. Perhaps on your adventure you will discover something new just by taking a slower pace and exploring.

Enjoy the day, Meet Me Outdoors